The resources that we put out every session. Indoors – water/sand, dough, sensory tables/stations, art, book corner, small world, home corner, construction
Outdoors – water/sand, construction, book corner, climbing frame, large loose parts, mud kitchen
What we add to our basic continuous provision after having observed our children’s interests and where they need extra challenge and stimulation (invitations to play)
Based on our knowledge of our cohort of children, their interests, and their developmental needs. These can include up to twice-daily group times for all children (songs, stories, dancing, etc) and activities the children can choose to participate in, for example baking, junk modelling etc
These are more specialized activities for particular children who have been identified as having an additional need in a particular area, for example children with SEND or children who need encouragement around speaking
What measures do we put in place to ensure that our pedagogy is embedded throughout Nursery?