Ofsted Rated OUTSTANDING in 2023!
We've had 4 "Good across all areas of childcare and education" ratings for Glebe Kids Nursery & Play Centre, in 2005, 2009, 2015 and 2017, and we've received an "OUTSTANDING" in 2023, which is an accolade to the hard work and dedication of our team. Here's what Ofsted had to say in our most recent report:
"All children benefit exceptionally well from attending this caring and nurturing setting, where staff are highly effective at prioritising and meeting children's individual needs."
"Children are at the heart of everything the staff do. They thrive at this setting and learn what they need to be successful in their future. This means they make exceptional progress."
“Children are confident and show that they feel very safe and secure. They are completely content in their surroundings due to the excellent relationships they have with staff.”
Parent & Baby Awards 2024
We are winners again! We have been honoured at the prestigious national 2024 Parent & Baby awards for the sixth year in a row! This is the third consecutive year we have won the big one - Nursery of the Year for the whole of Hertfordshire! Congratulations to all our wonderful practitioners - This is a much deserved accolade to go along with our previous 5 awards and our outstanding rating!
Parent & Baby Award 2023
We are winners - again! We have been honoured at the prestigious national 2023 Parent & Baby awards for the fifth year in a row! This is the second consecutive year we have won the big one - Nursery of the Year for the whole of Hertfordshire! Congratulations to all our wonderful teachers - This is a much deserved accolade to go along with our outstanding rating!
Parent & Baby Award 2022
We are winners - again! We have been honoured at the prestigious national Parent & Baby awards for the fourth year in a row! This is the second year we have won the big one - Nursery of the Year! Congratulations to all our wonderful teachers!